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Sunday, April 30, 2006

because of u
i nv turn off my hp when i go to sleep
i can nv leave e house without blusher
i muz plan my outfit of e day well
i check my reflection all e time
i always try to smell good
i had e courage to try tube tops
i fell in love w chunky jewelry
i learn to be comfortable w my body
i learned to love
u taught me all these
they stay
n will stay with me
as long as im conscious
i dunno whether to hate u or thank u
for teachin me parts of u
parts of u tt will foreva
remind me of u
the love n the pain
thank u

- 11:53 PM

"take the lead" is a must catch show if ur all into groovin with style and wana party w e right moves.. was a true story made into a movie.. i juz love those true stories tt hollywood makes into films..caught a few on hbo recently.. juz classic n motivating.. anyways e dance moves r simply class.. makes one feel like headin str for a club after tt.. if i wasnt down w flu yet again thx to darn immunity system.. i would hav clubbed man! oh wells.. work on sun and mon then sch opens yet again.. so all e sleep i can get is gooddd... nitteee..

- 12:32 AM

Thursday, April 27, 2006

n so i have time to post pics n all..

the obssession with colours.


hang onto ur seatbeats cause these were me juz few years back.. n trust me these were already the better lookin ones..

yup.. those were "what was i thinking" moments which im sure all of u have.. so dun judge ah!

and whee im so freakin glad tt i finished my essayyyy.. wrote a 5000+ word one even thou our grp was onli required to write 2500 cause of the script n all.. oh wells.. in total the whole report is a 150 page one! well isnt printing gonna be a bitch.. lucky uncle's getting it printed n binded in his office.. whhee..

movie on sat joyce dearie! muacks.. been a loonngg time since i caught one! =)

- 11:10 PM

yup its once again 2 in the morn n im bloggin yet again.. juz remember a comment made by a fren who said that i have malay eyes, a chinese nose and indian teeth.. hmm.. so wat does tt make me? a freak of nature juz randomly put tog into a chinese family? yes once again.. i am chinese.. stop speakin to me in malay, thai, indonesian or phillipino lang!!

its always at late nite when that picture or tt letter or watever possesion u have given to u by tt person comes back to haunt u.. sometimes i wish i hadden given my all.. but wats done is done.. call me materialistic but i juz realized tt a man without juz enuff money is not much gd.. hey! dun judge me cause i raised my stds of my man.. i wasn like tt if u guys knew me before.. but pple change.. u have.. so im going to.. materialistic or not .. a girl s gotta do wat a girl s gotta do..

like daddy once said.. y settle for second best when u can have the best..
i nv understood tt before.. girls always put themselves down for the guy they love or they think they love when they can have better.. we are always so in love lookin at the one beside u tt we fail to see the one who is always quietly behind us...

- 2:18 AM

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Truth
1)The nice men are ugly.
2)The handsome men are not nice.
3)The handsome and nice men are gay.
4)The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married.
5)The men who are not so handsome, but are nice, have no money.
6)The nice, semi-handsome men with money think we are only after their money.
7)The men without money are after our money.
8)The handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful enough.
9)The men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice, and have money, are cowards.
10)The men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice, have some money, and are heterosexual, are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE.
11)The men who never make the first move automatically lose interest in us when we make the first move.

its 2 in the freakin morning n im gettin a headache n feelin like i needa vomit because ive been starin at e screen for e past 3 hours tryin to get a 5000 word essay done n im not helpin myself any more by readin about men! im out!

- 2:03 AM

Sunday, April 23, 2006

fren no.1 mentioned that she sees tt e sunshine in me is fading.. hmm.. i wonder how she notices such things..

fren no.2 said tt i need a MAN man.. preferbly guys from dragonboat.. haha..any introductions pple?

its weird and astonishingly accurate wat pple can tel u bout urself tt u dun even realize..

i dreamt of you last nite.in e very blurry scenario.we were wat we used to be.. it felt so rite n yet so wrong.it felt so familiar but yet so distant.. like a huge mistake was wat it turned out to be.im sori i ever really loved u.

- 11:35 PM

Friday, April 21, 2006

when u get that feeling that a fren/s r contacting u less or even avoidin contact w u.. u no doubt feel unappreciated n bothered by wat is going on.. however there is onli so much u can do..u can either try n fix it by tokin it out..n if tt doesnt work.. throw it to e back of ur mind n let it stay there n decompose.. sometimes when u try too darn hard.. pple take u for granted.. so i say.. dun give a damn about pple u think r so not worth..because.. they r so not worth it! however for frens u think r so worth it.. its a higly tacky situation..well.. to this..i say..stand in ur own territory n do nothin.. n if tt person realizes ur non- presense n feels tt somethin is wrong.. he or she will contact u.. tt will be when u know he or she cares.. if tt person doesnt bother.. then.. tt will demote tt someone to e category of someone being so not worth it rite! at tt moment.. give urself a pat on e back.. cause u see tt someones true colours..

its one in e morning ven.. stop rambling n get some sleep!

- 12:59 AM

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

n so i died.. yup.. joy e HIV positive filial daughter in love w e love of her life who spread her e disease thus causin her to be ostracised by her best fren n family slit her wrists n died.. whee..got my hands covered in "real" fake blood n some fermentated tofu sauce from grandma..haha.. hope e stains on my poor LEVIS jeans come off..overalls hope i did them proud..cant wait to see e final product..but til then.. gotta rush e script writing n screenplay.. bleah..

workin so closely w e same pple made me realize tt teamwork understandin n comprimise is key..no doubt disagreements w arise..i guess it all lies in e way u handle them.. sure gonna miss e team..thank u so much u all.. we have a little more than a week til e written report..n then a little less than 2 weeks for e oral presentation where we get to show our little "movie" to e teacher/s.. cant wait where we see ourselves on screen n get to laugh at ourselves n feel paiseh..woohoo..

relationships r a strange thing huh.. u make new frens get to know new pple..maybe even start a new r/s.. but somehow we all try to hide our pasts from new aquiantances.. sometimes when someone from e past comes back to haunt ur new r/s.. u juz hafta keep on going.. but when its takes too much outta u.. ur on ur own.. nobody can really understand wat e other is goin thro unless in e situation itself.. i dun wan things btw me n a few pple to change.. but..change is e onli constant n tt kinda sux as true as it is.. isnt life a bitch!

- 6:18 PM

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

filmin was way smooth today n yest as well..juz as well cause its like rainin nw.. when ryan darlin had to stare at my photo reminising.. it felt damn weird.. felt as thou ur really dead n ur lookin back at ur loved one missin ur existence..changi beach scene where i had to look dirty n disarrayed.. yup charcoal was used n i look ridiculous..well all in e name of fun n teamwork i guess... always had an intimacy prob n thus when ryan had to spout lines of romance, wipe my tears aways, brush my hair away from my face n bring my hand to his face(lucky no more huggin scene), no doubt i was embarassed to e core la!

amit(ryan) tryin not to laugh gettin ready for e emotional scene

whee..final shootin tml! suicide scene was changed from me jumpin to my death to cuttin my wrist..an experiment w a food colourin today dint go too well as e colourin refused to come off totally.. yeap tying w redish hands..

yes, unfortunately i remembered.. as much as i dint wan to.. hav a great one you..

- 2:39 PM

Sunday, April 16, 2006

n they were tokin..

me: she has had 4 sex partners
dee: at e same time?
me: *speechless

note: certain details were changed to protect e identity of subject

to dear jacchoo..
thank u for callin n once again u made me feel like i wasnt alone..truth is.. ive really missed u loads since e day u left..still missin e laughters.. e look of disgust.. e shoppin trips.. e ktv session.. e holidays.. e stayovers.. e walk w ur dogs.. well.. gonna miss them for e next 3 yrs u gonna be gone i guess.. but juz wana say thank u dear.. for everythin.. =)

i miss times spent w certain individuals.. but i guess sometimes some things r juz outta ur control.. u cant control e other party.. so..yea.. cant do nothin bout it i guess..

its ridiculous/its been months/for some reason i juz/cant get over us/n im stronger then this/enough is enough/no more walkin round w my head/im so over being blue crying over u/

- 10:32 PM

Thursday, April 13, 2006

damn freakin bored home whole day.. so here i am again.. certain F-ed up issue im pushin to e back of my head cause i feel its been draggin for too darn long n things hav appeared normal on e surface for too damn long.. nw its time to get it over n done w.. its times like time when u really find out how much ur frens care for u.. dint expect a fren to be tt concerned for me.. really din expect tt much concern to tt extent.. thank u.. =)

dreadin mon's filmin.. doin two damn heavy scenes..both w on screen darlin..total paisehness in e sense tt i gotta hug n break down on his shoulder.. stress stress stress.. so much darn stress.. first time on actin on screen n so far i haven really seen how im doin on tape..soo..hmm..no feedback equals gd feedback rite?

recently got hooked onto a few of zhang hui mei(amei) s songs.. like yong gan (brave), ji de (remember) and wo yao kuai le(i wana be happy).. yeap im a totally emo n sensitive person.. listenin to these songs act make me cry sometimes..oh wells.. im onli human.. e lyrics r along these lines..

ive been too brave for too long/decidin to live juz for u/who still remembers when u first said you ll love me foreva/ one line from e past proves to be our pain in future/ after too long nobody remembers those gentle moments/ hand in hand sayin we wana walk till e end/i wana be happy/ i wana be able to sleep in peace/everythin is untrue/except tears

- 10:54 PM

finally a day off from filmin today.. phew.. however when i got up this morn.. i had this weird mellow feelin like somethin was missin.. turns out tt i was missin e crew n e feelin of us all gatherin today for shootin..hmm..quoting my on screen bf.. "e bond sticks..we trust each other see e worst outta each other.but we work on e same goal..its a gd feelin like u belong to somethin" pretty deep words n e most ive heard outta e usually quiet him..

anyways yest's filmin ah.. tel u.. when doc kylie dear had to ask me questions bout my sexual experience n partner ah.. i tel u.. i was seriously genuinely embarassed.. like REALLY.. i had to act embarassed.. n i wasnt acting trust me.. blushin from e roots of my hair after tt shoot was done.. haha.. then tennis scene where i had to faint.. oh man..its was like freakin 2 in e afternoon where e sun was sorchin hot.. had to do 2 takes.. almost died laa.. scraped my knee cause i really dropped to e floor like a sack of potatoes.. then was toleratin e burnin sensation on my skin when vanessa had to push me down harder to e ground when she shook me..

felt really like a star when shootin in sch where everyone was like starin.. tt was when i realized actually everyone has an artiste dream ar.. to become a star..n let me juz say tt it is damn tough being an actor.. im serious..do not try this profession out if ur self conscious, a lazy ass, easily embarassed, untalented or not a pple person..

anyways u know as u grow up.. u tend to wana settle affairs of e heart issues str up..instead of juz having innocent crushes n not acting on them..well..u juz get sick of all e mind games after a while..so nw when i like someone n i feel its time to speak up or hint a little.. i ll juz get to it..beats sittin around n thinkin if he likes u back.. i cant stand guys who avoid issues like this or tend to playin stupid little mind games...like an ah lian would say..pls lor how old liao?? n speakin of crushes.. u know tt tingly anticipatin feelin u get when u see tt individual.. hmm..i think im havin tt again..*grins.. pple who know..betta shuddup ah..

i love e look of concentration on a guy.. juz love e way they re so intently preoccupied w e task at hand tt they block out everythin else.. tt scruched eyebrows n purshed lips.. phew ..simple gorgeous..haha.. n i juz realized tt i like manly guys.. as in those who hav e rugged look n u feel damn protected w them..decent lookin guys juz dun appeal to me..

sighh..long work weekend ahead.. lucky im meetin up w pple i miss..tt s somethin to look forward to isnt it =)

tall dark handsome mysterious intense deep and mesmerizing

- 3:05 PM

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

due to inexperience n first time filmin..i regret to inform u tt we were unable to capture any photos for e first day first scene at boat quay.. some of e pics r cut off 4 some reason so juz click on it to view e full pic..

day 1-awaitin shoot at fort canning

day 1- dating scene

day 2- shoot at bishan park

day 2- scene 9 shot 1 take 1 (yup 911..no kiddin)

day 2- mummy dearest

day 2-pa, his 2 toned tan n ugly singlet (yup me foolin around w mike)

day 3- sch canteen awaitin shoot

day 3- same damn outfit for 3 days str(of course i washed it!)

day 3- joy HIV patient n doc lim

day 3- tennis scene

day 3- darlin judy n i

day 3- director's angels

day 3- trust me, he looks even stupid-er holdin e umbrella himself

day 3- hard at work, memorising e lines for final scene of e dayyy

day 3- final scene.. adrienne( kristy the best fren) n i

as u can see.. e photos get more n more as each day passes by.. we become more n more experienced ma.. =) definitely an experience like none other..

- 8:40 PM

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

i am so laughin my head off nw watchin e little video made on luke pa's hp as we were gettin ready for e next set..which.. by e way is one of e rare rare scenes whereby im not in..whee..so took e time out to film a little crazy introduction of all e crew..haha..anybody who wants.. can get from me.. =)

today was a much betta day for us in e sense tt we were all kinda familar w e positions n roles we were takin up n tt we were more experienced..lucky e first scene at mac where i was to scold my best fren n sis did not carry thro as there was construction goin on at bishan mac where we chose to shoot it..so. amit my dear suggested a small secluded bishan park shot which was gooodd.. cause it was so totally empty! let me tel u.. downin a burger in starvation mode in fronta ur frens losing ur poise(if i had any to begin w) is bad.. but havin to drink shit loads of milo n herbal tea(which dearest neighbour invited me to drink) n then feel like pukin before e shoot cause of all e water n nerves is crap..im glad we got thro w it!

then it was 3 scenes at dear adrienne s place..luckily.. cause me n mummy had to cry buckets while pa had to scream curse n slap.. was drama mama la e whole thing.. haha.. after all tt..everyone was exhausted la.. poor amit darlin n adrienne dear had to take so many roles cause e rest of us had to be in e scene..haha.. finally had a scene off n i got e chance to juz show tt nonchalant look to e actors n actresses..hah! was fun being e mike person la..can tone arm muscles at e same time..

its really diff being on screen n e behind e scenes pple.. pple on screen may look all glammed uo n shit..but its really crazy la.. cause every single one of ur cells gotta be at attention n u gotta be aware of every single body movement n expression.. i guess.. being able to experience loads of e on screen part as an actress made me rethink e path to being a professional actress.. behind e scenes pple not easy too. gotta write down every scene shot take timing n NG done.. guess every job has its pros n cons la..great crew to match..so no complains there.. althou i think i would nv ever cry for quite some time after this film is done!

photos up asap k.. no promises yet..cause so blardy exhausted..n e transfer thro msn is so blardy slooow!

they say proximity brings closeness.. u think? i guess onli time will tel.. wont it? time is e onli thing tt doesn lie..

- 9:48 PM

Monday, April 10, 2006

all i can say is tt shootin a film is damn blardy energy drainin.. esp when u hafta cry n shout under e hot april sun.. i tel u.. after e first scene was done.. i was like.. gone.. totally drained.. n so was my eye makeup..looked like some idiot w red eyes, a runny nose n messed up makeup..
but all in all.. despite e crazy cryin(thx to my trusty medicated oil which stung my eyes so badly i bet i looked as thou id been caught w my pants down) e sweaty limbs n smudged makeup..it was a pretty great experience..althou e blardy med oil almost killed me la..stung like hell..then e director cum boyfren said to use eye drops e next time round.. thank god!

first scene was at boat quay facin e river.. being an amateur i had to cut at e first take due to my "boyfrens" piercin eyes.. tokin bout my bf. oh man..i tel u.. with his big eyes n long long lashes.. whoa.. its so intimidatin but yet gets u into e role cause he leads u thro e story..at fort canning e second scene we were doin juz so happened to be a datin scene..so.. i had to collect all my emotions from cryin n get ready to immerse in e "lurve"..i tel u..gettin ready for a couple scene is exactly like gettin ready for a date w e love of ur life.. u get all e nerves n awkwardness..n its tough to get tt "oh im so in lurve w u n im stil so shy n bashful but yet i dun wana show u tt my heart is pumpin like mad" look! haha..was tryin hard to get tt cutesy bashful im in lurvee expression..i hope i pulled it off since i forgot wat its like to be in lovee..haha

i was like this close to quittin on set seriously.. e nite b4 cause i was so damn excited i couldnt sleep like until 3! had ta wake up at 7 la! like @#$!%* la..i was totally drained n realized tt actin wasnt tt easy..cause u look like idiots cryin n screamin n shovin n grinnin n chasin while ur crew is like lookin at u in e most nonchalant expression ever.. really makes u feel like e most ridiculous person on earth..lucky i hav my fellow actors n actresses w me..haha!

no photos la..cause ah.. i was rushin to meet e team at 9 in e blardy morn..so ..haha..yeap..took a cab down to raffles place.. stupid me gave wrong directions to cabby n he dropped me at raffles city! n i stil had to take e mrt down..like thank u ah clever la ven!

well..second day awaits.. haha..cant wait for e day i jump to my death..then all these actin will be over!! whee!! but i guess when e time comes..i wil miss workin w u, u ,u and u.. all of u..thank u dearies..

hope i dun bored u guys w stories of my filmings.. haha. if i do.. tag me n let me know..then i ll shuddup..hmm.. no i wont la.. its my blog maa.. =)

i guess u made it clear enuff to me.. yes..both of u.. i read e signs n those msgs.. thank u for being honest .. n no thx to u for being a great pretender.. i finally understand..i do..

- 6:57 PM

Saturday, April 08, 2006

funny isnt it.. tears juz come so easily when ur watchin a touchin movie or experiencin some shit in ur life or when pms is at its worst.. tears juz come when ur not consciously tryin to make them flow.. arghh.. nv tot id ever say this.. but.. i really need to cry man.. like seriously.. like learn to..in fronta e camera,my frens, n e public who probably will be waitin to see a joke! first scene shootin at boat quay CBD.. cryin scene..haha.. trust me.. ive came up with e most ridiculous saddest grossest tear triggerin scenerios n none of them worked!! at my wits here..

1)passing of a family member or close fren
2)break up
3)being wrongly accussed
4)being bashed up
7)gained 10kg

okie so e imaginary part doesnt work.. nw comes e physical part
1)eye drops
3)chilli padi
4)medicated oil
5)sad songs
6)break an arm (no izad, tt is NO help at all)

at my wits end here pple.. help me out!!

- 12:07 PM

Friday, April 07, 2006

n once again i waited.. like a fool..nice goin ven.. y do pple promise u somethin n then they not fulfill tt promise in e end? then y e hell do pple wana make a promise in e first place well knowin tt its outta their lazy mind or limits to fulfill it..n then u hafta remind them bout tt promise..hah! expectations expectations ven.. somehow or rather.. ive been at e receivin end one time too many tt i dun take shit like tt anymore..i give up..really..

so sick of love songs
so tired of tears
so done with wishin u were stil here

- 1:36 AM

Thursday, April 06, 2006

was readin a guys blog.. e guy who juz so happened to be an admirer of my dearest fren.. hmm..stirs up those memories of crushes n loves..

i wana hav a crush again.. i wan tt upsettin churnin butterflies in ur stomach feelin when u see tt someone.. i wan to be obsessed w my reflection hopin tt its perfect for him.. i wan to see tt look in his eyes n tt im e onli one in his world.. i wan to squeal n tear when i catch an unexpected sight of him.. i wan tt crazy vomit triggerin heart thumpin feelin when i know tt he is already at e scheduled location waitin for me..juz like every girl with a fairytale fantasy.. i wana be in love.. again

but somehow im afraid.. afraid of him tellin me im not gd enuff for him..afraid tt he doesnt like me for e things i do or say.. afraid tt he doesnt like me for me.. afraid tt i dun look perfect for him.. afraid tt i wont compare up to his ex/es.. afraid of quarrels n arguments n not makin up.. afraid of fallin too darn hard onli for it to end in a snap.. afraid of tryin to damn hard onli to fail at meetin his expectations.. afraid to hear e words its over.. juz afraid...

when my last r/s ended.. like many others out there.. i went thro a rollercoaster of emotions.. hurt.. pain.. disbelieve.. insecurity.. anger..hate.. jealousy..nonchalance.. u name it.. however all these eventually..juz like words in e sand.. has to be washed away by time..someday.. in order to be loved.. u dun needa be perfect.. u need to love urself first.. u need compromise n understandin.. e ability to listen n be heard.. u need to give but also to take.. its takes two to tango.. two hands to clap..it juz takes two.. im stil tryin not to blame myself for e failure in e last one..n sometimes i wonder.. if im worthy of e next one..

like daddy said.. i caught u when u first fell into this world n im gonna catch u each time u fall n bring u back to ur feet.. thank u daddy..

- 4:33 PM

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

juz nw as i was makin my way home from e mrt station.. e images of jacchoo n richard popped up outta no where.. n w every step i took.. i was gettin more n more reminiscent of e moments ive spent w them.. juz miss them so very very much.. somehow at tt one period of time..3 of my closest left my life.. im surprised i hung in there n not break..pls come back n visit us soon u two!

its hard to not hold any expectations towards a certain situation or individual.. i try not to anymore..most times e more u conjecture e harder u fall.. i guess e harsh reality of this is tt we tend to make believe tt all e wonderful things we hope for will happen if onli we worked or prayed for it.. somehow as u grow up.. ur forced to learn pple n events often disappoint.. im not sayin i dun..of course i do..tt s e bleakness of it all..

i know when u look at me
there s so much u dun see
but if u onli take e time
i wont be e girl who's onli worth a dime

- 1:35 AM

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Time spent w joyceh dear last nite after work was well worth every single hot n sweaty step we took to walk to one fullerton from suntec..u guys should check out this live band bar at one fullerton which used to be called "Lash" n got changed to "babyface chillout bar"..classy relaxin ambience w wonderful svc n music..anyways..after I had my "sex on e beach" n she had some coconutty drink..we were juz tokin bout our past r/s n juz happened so when she ended her pt bout a certain someone n I started on my certain someone.. THAT ever so familar song I mentioned in my post few days back "bizarre love triangle" juz HAD to be performed by e live band..outta a zillion songs to choose from! thank u very much! Tok about coincidental can..goodness..was a reminiscent nite w great food n even greater company.. sushi n oysters n scallops await later darlin! Haha..tok about my plan to look hot for my 21th! *pats satisfied stomach*

Looking at old photos always brings back a string of memories.. e wonderful korea n Europe trip w relatives. Time spent w my girls in Bangkok.. e recent genting trip w joyceh darlin.. oh man.. every single thing we do shapes e way we r today.. sometimes I wish I was less emotional n less sentimental.. but I guess im juz e way I am.. they say frens come n frens go.. I try to keep close frens tt ive made thro e yrs..but I guess it isnt easy.. most common mistake for girls is to neglect their frens when they re attached.. im guilty of tt too.. someone once told me tt Im too dependent on my frens n thus I get made use by them easily..im not independent by nature.. n I trust my close frens.. however im not tt stupid to not know it when im being made use of.. to each his own huh I guess..

note to e dearest neighbour: pls take care of tt eye n get well soon k! shouldn be a prob w me around..of course =)

RIP oreo dear..

bittersweet memories/is all im takin w me/so goodbye/pls dun cry/we both know im not wat u need/i hope life treats u kind/n i hope u hav all uve dreamed of/n i wish u joy n happiness/but above all these/i wish u love

- 12:22 PM

Sunday, April 02, 2006

you know sometimes u get e feelin tt someone/s hates u for a reason so obscure tt its mind boogling or simply for a reason u know n have already apologize for it but u stil feel animosity btw u 2 althou e other party has already said no hard feelings.. yes i know i tend to think to much..paranoia works at its best late at nite..n its not e best feelin in e world.. to know or suspect tt pple/s act dislike u.. i cant make everyone like me..i can onli try..in fact we re all guilty of tryin.. to appear e nice little human being tt wins e approval of many.. but sometimes because we re all humans n we err.. we fail to win tt approval.. then.. we carry both e guilt of failin n causin dislike in someone else towards ourselves.. we all hav flaws .. i have flaws.. yes i may be oversensitive..i think too darn much.. bitchy at times.. stubborn..immature.. ignorant..blah blah blah..but dun hate me for those flaws.. inform me.. so tt i can try to be a betta person..therefore for pple whom ive pissed off or offended, angered or irritated.. for those who hates my guts cause of somethin i did or my lack of guts cause i dint do somethin..forgive me.. because im onli human..flaws i hav many..im learning..maybe not to totally change because tt s our charater n personality by nature.. but to work on it..i promise

- 10:06 AM

the minahlian

life taster
appreciation is key



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poh shan


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