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Saturday, September 30, 2006

im 21. n i nv had a decent watch. ever. the bf surprised me w a fossil one today. oo all the love!

- 8:15 PM

Thursday, September 28, 2006

to the sick perverted bastard who nudged my thighs with his knees, grazed my hair, changed seats constantly to get closer to me, put his arm ard me touch my arm. i say. fark u. i hope ur penis rots SLOWLY n falls off.

on a lighter note. here are pics of me n the bf.as promised. issue not settled. i think some confrontation is gonna come up. but its unavoidable anws.
ps:he thinks he looks betta in person. he does actually.

my fav dimple in the whole world! (yes onli on ONE side)

- 7:47 PM

Monday, September 25, 2006

router connected to uncle's main com is down. therefore no internet access from my laptop. crap.

Sunday morn. the boyfren brought me to Macritchie for a hike up to the treetop. nearly killed me. wahliao i think i lost like 5 kg la. but was a great bonding period for us.
pictures of me and the boyfren will be up when certain issues are settled. i promise.

anws. HAPPY 21th nik darlin!! hope u had a great one n u loved ur new wardrobe! n juz for YOU nik. "here are some narcissistic pics from ur bday! "

- 11:36 AM

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

nothin interestin, nothin much.

juz the constant naggin voice of me not comparin up to his past likes-body wise.

i know i should be confident.

im tryin.

i really am.

a gd dinner with the boyfren.

juz being ven.

- 11:28 AM

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The final goodbye

u were.
til nw.
still feel.

- 2:08 PM

Friday, September 15, 2006

the final countdown.

but first. a lousy start to a supposedly "break-free" day.

onli pair of black contacts tore. hadda put on my brown pair. somehow both eyes became damn irritated n super red.

sat on my dressin table chair while waiting for dad. felt a gush of liquids thro my pipes (pardon my crude-ness) ,stained my blardy skirt.

nw im wary if anythin w happen when i go to suntec later to send stuff.

anws. all tt aside. ITS THE FINAL COUNTDOWN to gettin outta this placeeee! whee.

- 9:54 AM

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

2 more days to gettin outta this hellhole. i understand tt as an intern u get to do stuff tt levels those of wat workers at construction sites do. I am not complainin tt they keep askin me to deliver items and do anal stuff, however, when tt task at hand becomes physically impossible, its pisses the phuck outta me. yes, interns do all the"saikang", but when those "saikang" demands becomes too much physically, its crap.

juz yesterday i had to send SIX bags of bulky as hell stupid barbie dolls to SIX seperate places. along with luggin them along, i had to struggle with my bag, the money for the cab, and the list of addresses. imagine the phuckin clown i had transformed into. I abso-fuckin-lutely refused to come up w my own money to pay for the cab fare cause they last time i did, i haven gotten my money back, yet.

yes today the task for superven inceases. this time. 10 places or more. haven seen the stuff tt im supposed to send yet. lets hope its not as blardy bulky n tt the boyfren will be able to accompany his deliveryman girlfren.

oo i juz got 3 ticks from CLEO to the movie "u me and dupree". but its on today, so last min. argh!

in times of need, u really find out who ur true frens really are.

People juz dun cherish wat they have til its gone.

- 9:36 AM

Sunday, September 10, 2006

the neat-est state my bed has ever been in. an artwork by him. =)

ps: i almost wanted to refer to him as "the boy", but rem readin somewhere, i think in dee's LJ tt girls always use tt term plus he's not a boy anymore. couldn find anythin fancier and the "love" is too strong a word. so "him" it is. for nw.

more random narcissistic pics. enjoy.

happy bday darlin!

ven- ever ready for the cam.

- 10:07 AM

Saturday, September 09, 2006

sitemeter was a tool to satisfy my egoistic side, however since there is somethin irritatingly wrong w it on my com. i shall take it as a sign tt my ego's not meant to be stroked. RIP sitemeter.

pampered. =)

- 1:34 PM

Friday, September 08, 2006

phuckin sitemeter sux.. doesn work on my firefox n neither does it blardy work on IE.. MAC user soh could see it on my blog la! wtf!%^$#&*@#$ decided to take it out anws.

mc from work.. flu bug comin ard again.. not being paid no needa hand in mc so dun bother going to work n to the doc..

okies im off to bed pple.. blardy sitemeter mission tired the shit outta the alrdy tired me..

but last nite was sweet bliss. =)

- 11:00 PM

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Presenting gorgeous guy who smiled at ven- Nicholas Leong. (courtesy of Dee)

- 6:01 PM

anws interview was not too bad yest. passed first round. hopefully i pass the second n third n land tt job.

- 1:52 PM

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

ven was juz draggin her feet all the way to the receptionist's desk outside, after inserting 350 cleo sex tips books into their envelopes, when she noticed this amazingly charming man standing at the recep. With his rosy cheeks he smiled at ven, suddenly all the daze she was in disappeared. Mysterious hot cutiepie? ------ Last yr's CLEO's Eligible Bachelor winner--- Nicholas Leong!!!! As i m typin this , he is stil somewhere around in the office.. i shall go prowl ard a little more. *grin*

ps: i cant find his pic anywhere online.anyone has it. inform me so i can show u how someone as gorgeous juz smiled at plain little ME!

- 5:00 PM

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

the phuckin crappy happenings of ven's day.

1) eyerings not concealed properly hence makin ven look like a blardy zombie

2) parents quarrelled in car as usual. this time again threatening to take it out in a divorce.

3) belt strap got twisted resulting in a damn outta shape belt hence makin ven look waist-less.

4) tons of crap to do at work

5) 350 stupid books with dried up glues on the backs waiting for ven to take them off w scotchtape.

6) darn bees wouldn get e phuck away from me durin lunch(ven was havin lemon chicken rice).

7) wanted to print out resume for tmls interview but uncles com outta ink.

8) wanted to use office's com for printin but ven needs to get someone to teach her the connection for the color printers. (if ur wonderin its not v nice cause i ll be printin out my resume n essays for the interview for ANOTHER company)

9) called up dad to ask him to help me print it out so he can pass to me when he sends me after work to the interview place. Lorry reversed into dad's car. dad is car-less, prob for the next few days.

10) with dad being car-less, ven has to take public transport for god knows how long n wait up damn early n squeeze w rushin office folks.

juz great...

- 8:35 PM

Sunday, September 03, 2006

10 Things That Make Men Happy

If men and women are truly equal, then men must stop bending over backwards in the pursuit of making women happy, right men? Relationships are increasingly full-fledged partnerships after all, so why should we be the only ones trying to make women happy?

We want to be happy and boys just want to have fun as well, so here are 10 things that men look for in the pursuit of happiness and Ms. Perfect. Read the list and answer the question that all men deliberate: do we prefer a pretty face or a beautiful body?

10. Charm

Remember that Seinfeld episode when Jerry went out with that stunning blonde babe who got him out of every bad situation (speeding ticket, etc.)? Well, maybe this occurred because she was a babe, but I think she had such power because she was charming. If a woman can make you smile, then she has the charm to get out of any situation and will prove to become quite an ally.

Charm is what draws men to those women who are not as good-looking as the others in our black book. Charm is what pulls us back to women even after they burn us. Charm is the one thing that lets women get away with murder ‑- okay, charm and the next thing on the list.

9. A statuesque body

We may not admit this to them, but when we're walking down the street with our women, we want to show them off. Show off what? Their crazy curves and full figure.

As Doc Love puts it: you need to pass a physical to be the best you can be (i.e. join the army), and Lord knows that women make us pass their own physical exams, so why should we be any different or make any excuse about it?

8. A beautiful face

This one will stand the test of time. A pretty face can get away with murder. While this should not be the top characteristic, it is helpful to admit that you must find a woman who will please your eyes and excite your everything else.

Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, unless of course you are a magician named David. So do not choose someone based on what your friends say, go with whom you want to wake up with. We like beautiful things and we shall make no apologies for this.

7. Honesty & trust

When the games are played, final rounds called and booty calls over, we want someone we can confide in. The most successful relationships are built upon trust, candor and honesty; anything else is equivalent to building a house on quicksand. Sadly, you only know who is swimming naked when the tide goes down, so be honest with your woman (but do not tell her anything she neither needs or cares to know) if you want her to be honest with you.

Receiving a pat on the back when we do things right is nice, but it's even nicer to be told when we're wrong, provided of course that we are not made to feel like crap, which takes us to the next point...

6. R-E-S-P-E-C-T

The last thing we want is a woman who lets us down, embarrasses us and makes us out to be fools, especially in public. Gentlemen, there is nothing wrong with admitting that we are excessively proud and sensitive to criticism, but if done right, constructive criticism from the one person who knows us best can only make us better men, fathers, lovers, brothers and human beings.

Why do I say this? Next time your woman tells you something, do not cut her off and put her in her place; listen, pay attention and remember: actions, not words, are what matter. True, we may not have Tammy Wynette standing by us in a state of oblivion, but respect in a partnership is about praise as well criticism, not shutting up and telling it like it is. It helps when it is done with humor (well, not at our expense).

5. Sense of humor

This will forever remain a priority for any man. We work hard, we put up with a lot, and we need a woman who will put a smile on our faces when things are gloomy, and make us laugh when things are down. Now guys, I have been curious as to whether we like it when women make us laugh or when we make them laugh. Being able to make them laugh is good for our egos, but getting a smile on our faces is the best tonic possible.

Women always rank a sense of humor as the trait they like most in us. A woman who finds it challenging to smile and be pleasant will be a thorn in your side until the day you die, and trust me, your judgment day will come before hers.

4. Intelligence & confidence

Previous generations probably preferred a smart woman ‑- not just book smart, but also street smart. But truth be told ‑- and this will not please feminists (but then again, who cares?) ‑- many men did not want an overly smart woman, after all, it would be too hard to tame and control her. After all, men feared that women could become unstable and make demands (oh no...)

Today, I like to think that we have matured a bit and now see the value in having a valuable ally as a partner. If a housewife, mother and maid is all that you are looking for, you are selling yourself short men, so go out and find someone who will learn from you as much as you will learn from her; imagine the powerhouse couple that you will make.

3. Ambition & drive

If a partner is what you seek, then you will have to find a woman who will challenge your thoughts, stir up your emotions positively and give you a run for your money. Challenges start at home and end on fields, boardrooms and life, so make sure that you meet your match, because practice does make you perfect.

A woman that is too strong-willed will also be too stubborn, and this is just plain frustrating, but one that chooses her battles diplomatically will prove to come out a winner in the game of life. Would you not want her on your team?

2. Heart of gold

Most women are selfish on good days and plain malicious on bad ones, so why any man would let himself get tempted (well, we know why) by someone who has bad intentions beats me. So many men e-mail us, telling us how badly they are being treated, yet they are helpless in doing something about it, and worse, they keep going back... why guys, why?

If you are looking to get involved for the long haul, a kind woman with a heart of gold will nurture you and offer the compassion, sincerity, warmth, and affection you need to make it to the top. Just make sure you are able to reciprocate the kindness, because someone ultimately will and then she'll run for the hills.

1. Love

Although there are different things that make us happy ‑- some of them may not have been on the list but should have been, while others are but should not have been ‑- when all is said and done and the ink has dried up, the first dates turn into the honeymoon stage, and the relationship develops, all men really want is love.

- 1:23 PM

life springs u surprises and the sweetest ones when u least expect it. apart from the pharkin slave work i do at my internship house and the blardy last min changes regardin essays due and sch schdule, im lovin my life rite nw. Bliss.

Nothin much to say act. hmm juz some very random pics to view. enjoy.

tryin to do a "sebastian" (if u rem wat tt is. Hint: Spore idol finalist)

RIP fatfat.

right view+glasses=worst combination

ooo lala

when ven was in europe

think happy tots

narcissist yes.


gone are the minah days. i promise.

im damn gd at pretendin im not e one who took e pic la.

a jab for e sickly

my darlings.

time to visit the hair salon ven.



my life.my grandma. my love.

two pple i miss the most.

come back soon la!

look like tweety bird meh?

i hate the carryin of shoppin buys ard. oo but all e love to thailand!

i wana go back to bintan!

n zad. this i promise u.
(pple who wans to pay my dear fren to design a personal blogskin. approach him!)

- 12:16 AM

the minahlian

life taster
appreciation is key



nicole cuz
poh shan


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