Thursday, November 30, 2006
ITS RAININ ICE NW IN OKLAHOMA!! whee.. this is it!!

a crazy urge to eat hot popcorn.. therefore took a pack providin in our hotel room n popped my first bag of popcorn!!!!

in true ven style. v random pics for viewin. too lazy to blog la. its damn cold here n im freezin in my sweats.

our tv production studio.

nope not a real fireplace. its a prop in our studio set.

our first meal we cooked in okla! looks gross but tastes amazin! we gonna whip up more pro lookin like stuff soon k!

damn gorgeous hugee white truck!

caught in e act! ice cream in winter act keeps u warm. its proven!

the set we built!

The Oklahoma- prints oklahoma's national newspaper

We were allowed to sit in durin a new filmin. oh n WE APPEARED ON OKLAHOMA NATIONAL TV durin e last segment when they juz introduced us for like 5sec! apparently e clip's online but i cant find it! if i can. u ll see it!

Tierney Cook

Frank Johnson

my lecturer's farkin huggee home with TWO garage!

girls in e studio

Oklahoma city university's indoor stadium

carebear shirts from walmart!

our bus driver n his (cutest little girl ever!) granddaughter

- 12:14 PM
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
i arrived in oklahoma with the mindset tt these "angmores" were gonna be racist n think tt us asian faces were less in, well, basically everything then them. but in fact all my distorted n exaggerated tots were juz petty ignorance, brought on by wat? i dunno. prob the whole "Americanization" n study of am. politics. juz yest, 2 of our lecturers told us tt their students said tt "we re so pretty". hmm. this further proved, on top of polite food servers n counter staff, tt they re not racist. in fact. we may be e ones tt are?
- 9:52 PM
Monday, November 27, 2006
juz check out e pics(i know wat u muz be thinkin huh nik n soh)!. anws damn lazy to really post an entry. sch schedule is out n its gonna be hectic!
i juz wana go home.

lobby entrance.

crazy ass room-mates!

queen size bed! shared thou w a fren.

our penthouse! lucky ky has e whole top level to herself!

first meal in oklahoma.

dun ask.

"reuben" ?!?! wrap??

oklahoma city memorial

items hung by families of e deceased.

no.s say 9.01- the time when e bomb-er entered e bulidin.

9.03- time when bomb exploded.

peanuts in a bucket.

yup peanut shells on the floor! we re encouraged to do so. surely spore like this fine like sai la!

- 11:02 AM