Saturday, December 30, 2006
my first black-out.
i nv tot it was gonna be like tt. u know how sometimes u squat for too long n get white spots in ur eyes that clears out after a while. well. pre-faintin was juz like tt- u feel nauseous, u get white spots in ur eyes, u hear ringin in ur ears n u feel seriously crappy. the whole blackin out deal freaked e shit outta my grandma who managed to support me as i went down. faintin was when i was tryin to make my way to e toilet(diarrhoea), totally couldnt see at all n accordin to my grandma i couldn hear her callin me. next thing i knew i slumped onto the ground. i dint even know i had made half e way back to my room before i knocked out. the faintin part wasnt tt bad cos ur out cold. but the pre n post faintin was farked. like takin e roller coaster for 1,436 times before passin out.
at the hospital.
at the emergency hall at ttsh, i did all sorts of tests like e ECG for e heart, urine, blood, temperature. cos i had juz came back from the states, they stuck a yellow sticker (which e nurse told me was for pple who juz came back from WHO's list of "dangerous" zones) n put me in a contained area. blardy hell had to go thro so many stages before i got my treatment. like surely pple not feelin like fark la. ask ques all then made me repeat like how many nabei times. but luckily then doc was cute. HAHA. well at least my dad said he was la. but being the vain me. i dint wear my glasses at e hospt.( n if ur wonderin, yes i did manage to get SOME makeup on in my lousy state).
anws lab results were good. juz some viral infection thingy of the stomach la. muz the e farkin nabei prata i had the nite before la. nw think of prata wana vomit. dun think i gonna haf prata for e next 2 yrs la. pple. if wana go makan those 24 hr prata kind. be very warned ah. cos pots n pans use for 24 hrs kind. very rarely change ah.
dad: " eh at least the doctor not bad lookin wat. i wouldn mind havin this kinda son-in-law."
ven:" eh surely i dint juz pass out la. n surely i got no bf hor!"
dad:" got bf also got eyes wat can see rite. dun tel me ur bf go out nv see girls meh."
i think im really really blessed to haf such open minded family members. i mean who can like use vulgarities in fronta grandmother n father kind huh n nv kana kp-ed. who can openly discuss sexual explicities w family kind huh. who's family so open until like tt. u tel me!
anws. im on the fast track of recoverin. even lost some weight i think. obviously la huh. no appetite ma..haha ..good! countdown's not a big deal to me so stayin home on the eve of a new yr aint tt bigga deal. but i think im stil gonna go to the yearly countdown session w the bf's frens juz so he can attend it.
on a totally unrelated note. u know how sometimes pple tel u something up front n for tt moment u believe it cos of their sincere tone. but when they re not by ur side. the doubts creep rite back in. well. i juz dunno wat to believe n wat not to anymore. we shall see how this ends huh.
- 12:09 AM
Monday, December 25, 2006
y do pple do countdowns? i mean like wat is the purpose of a countdown anyway? doesnt it juz come n go regardless of if u verbally count it down or think it or juz ignore it totally? call me indifferent. but ive nv been to a countdown ever in my 21 yrs of livin. nv did. nv had. nv planned to. tt is. until i met the bf. the countdown was done w him n his frens at st james power station, a place tt suddenly sprung up after i came back from oklahoma (okie maybe i dun follow the news). anws i stil wasnt able to convince myself tt "woo hoo 5,4,3,2,1 merry xmas lehh". i duno. im juz indifferent like tt. in some ways.
in other ways, i wan to be indifferent but i juz fail to do so. u know how some pple juz cant help but check out an ex'es or an ex'es current fling or the spouse's ex fling's blog/frenster/lj/website, juz, because. well, i, for one outta many others, m ashamed to say tt im guilty of such sneaky behaviour. n am not surprised to find out tt a certain individual tt im veryveryvery close to is also gulity of such
pleasures, if i may cal it tt.
y so insecure? i ask myself. honestly i think tt ans word- competition. no seriously.i mean we dun like to lose. we dun like the word NO. when we get rejected/ meet w a failure/hit rock bottom. its a NO to ur efforts. we dun like tt guy/girl tt we like to tel us "no". we dun like for someone to breakup/ reject us n then go after/accept someone new in their life. i think its tt primal animal instincts tt is innate to all of us. tt instinct to "hunt" n to be the best at it. tt instinct to mate n not be rejected. tt instinct to wana "stand tall" n look dashing. yes? no? okie i really duno.
i really think im blabbering. im sick and mind-farked. ans my ques if u could pls. help me out here.
- 10:17 PM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
i've been a dirty girl in oklahoma.
if ur thinking naughty tots rite nw. ur on e wrong track! the smell of clean crisp clothes are heavenly rite nw to me. havin like NO laundry washed clothes for 3 weeks is no joke man i tel u. i mean.yea i dun smell too bad n i dun perspire tt much. but stil. i would like to smell gd u know..okie im turnin u off rite nw aint i. anwss..
IVE GRADUATED!! without a cert tt is. a cert which i ll get in oct i think. feels.. weird.. act. somehow like i dun haf a direction in life anymore.. u know.. like havin a somewat fixed routine for like 21 yrs of my life n nw suddenly everythin's gonna change. in a gd way i hope.
i apologize for e lack of updates in e last week ive been in oklahoma.. i ve been too tired to update..
n im stil lazy to do so. ahhh.. alright..some VERY random pics up!
the graduating class of 2006! whee. the onli guy in our class is nowhere to be seen thou.

"joy" graduates with her "ma" n "pa"

my 1st n prob onli NBA game ever! oklahoma hornets vs cleveland cavaliers. n hornets won!!! we, even thou were not oklahomans, were screamin our heads off for the home team. the mascot was, of cos, a hornet. "BEE-fence, BEE-fence!!"

one of my lecturer's home by the lake!

this is so "lake-house". if u watch e movie u ll know wat i mean.

u would nv haf guessed he was my psychology prof.

wahlao.his v. own billard table.

erm. since when do u see brooms like tt in spore.

okc zoo!

i loovvee this smiling, "hair" greased back frog la!

nemo n daddy.

this one surely lau-sai until power if eat sia.

up on mt scott i think. yes i fell. again. nabei. how many times wan me to fall sia. ice also fall. rock also fall. @^%@&*#

tryin to do a "charlie's angel".

A place in the middle of e mountains tt serve farkin orgasmic fooddddd! me n few others ordered second servings la!

my root beer float! e size of my face!

this is orgasm rite there.

Up on Wichita Mountain.
the bisons. one of the protected n precious species to the Native Indians.

a bison's horn. (hello, hello? could i speak to mr flintstone pls.)

white tailed deer's antelop.

my environmental science prof. doc branch i think. looks like santa?

nick-our tour guide n whose great great grandpa was Native indian on the mountain.

the bus nick took us ard in.

my side of the room.

tadah! all packed n ready to leaveee.

shoppin at walmart!

on top of the world: the silent paradise.

somethin missin from this post? of cos! wat post is complete without narcissistic pics of ven n ven onli. hah. here a few. for nw.

- 6:50 PM
Saturday, December 09, 2006
penthouse (home) alone
i think i almost blew up the microwave when i tried to heat up a can of campbell soup. i swear i heard crackling n then i saw sparks. then i freaked out n gasped n cursed. when i realized tt aint doin anythin to help. i poked at the button to open e microwave door. n wala. no more sparks.. phew. i could haf blown the house down.. or even worse. my face out! hhrrrrrr
oh n this i muz tel. while everyone was out at the festival of lights thingy, i dint go n i tot i was e onli one who stayed behind.juz as i was feelin lonely n logged in to msn. "msn sound" then i saw my name in caps in a pop out convo window. it was dee! whee..n we decided to hang. well as we saw a RABBIT on our way back from laundry. we of cos tried to coax it to us. we were so engrossed in tt little furry rabbit when suddenly we heard a mass flappin of wings!! i dunno.. it could haf been a giant bat or somethin horrendous like it. we freaked n ran. well. i teared. ( yes teared dee, not cried okie! wahlao later pple think im some wuss or wat!)
anws the silence rite nw is gd. its therapeutic. well at least i think it is. after spendin 24/7 of time w ur roomies. i juz need some time alone. okies gonna cook me some maggi noodles n sausages n cuttlefish balls n wanton! thank god for instant mee. its life savin! n im gonna get my family a microwave for xmas! dunno how i survived 21 yrs without one. cant do without a microwave nw.
the countdown to going home begins! its 8 more days. woohoo!
- 6:16 AM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
im damn shagged. juz enjoy e pics. n oh did i mention insensitivity n selfishness aint my cuppa tea like AT ALL? i dun presume it will be anyone else's. so pls grow some sense.

- 10:20 AM
Monday, December 04, 2006
i was lookin thro ol photos in my com. n when i saw pics of my bf n of my grandma, a weird feeling of unfamilarity was cast over me. it was as thou i was seeing their faces again in a very very long time even thou ive onli been away for a week. okie enuff of nostalgia.

see darlin im wearin ur scarfff!

in e control room.

on the set. we did a 30 min final production where each of us had our individual roles to play. i was talent on air, assistant director then audio person. tv production was great! i nv watched tv and took photos e same way again.

decoratin my first xmas tree!

some riverboat ride we had.

wahlao. 3rd ice cream in 1 week lor.

Lake Haftner.

Art museum.

glass art.

oh n this last one. check out e lip and nose print in e black space. i was lookin at tt same piece of art when i heard a "pang" beside me. lo n behold. n VERY clever room mate bumped into e piece of glass pane. hah!

- 10:09 AM