Sunday, April 13, 2008
the confessions of a broken heart
i always tot you were the one.
but apparently i was wrong. so wrong.
i always tot tt if both parties were willing to put in effort to make a r/s work, it WILL work.
u know i never believed in the saying, "our characters are not compatible". i never did.
i really tot tt in a r/s it s all about accommodation and getting used to and accepting each other's habits/flaws
willingness to change for someone you love is something tt i used to think came about when you really care for the person and dun wana hurt him/her
maybe im not someone tt u are willing to change for. maybe im not someone u wan to spend your life with. maybe im not someone you will be willing to love and care for wholeheartedly. maybe im not someone tt is in ur heart anymore.
watever it is.
im done begging.
im done throwing my pride away.
they say if a guy really loves you he will come back for you.
in my case, i really doubt so. we shall see.
the girl tt will come after me.
she has damn big shoes to fill.
- 10:17 AM