Wednesday, August 06, 2008
the nostalgic nights in tokyo.
sittin in the dark in fronta the com tryin to type as softly as possible so tt i wont wake my pregnant sleepin boss.
its weird tt im feeling these emotions the whole time im here. a colleague's laughter, the sound of runnin water, the smell of lamb rack, or just sitting doin nothin at all triggers off that emo mofo squeeze on the heart.
one thing i noticed here is that japanese women are very independent. at restaurants that we dine at, we saw mainly groups of well dressed ladies sipping their champagne and savouring different types of cheese. i think i haf only like seen 10 couples since i got here 3 days ago. its weird. the men are prob out drinkin w their male counterparts and eating teppanyaki.
my hot pregnant boss kept gettin weird stares from pple here esp guys. girls tend to shy their glances away. i've also onli seen like ONE pregnant lady on the streets since i got here. pregnancy is like sucha taboo thing for some reason. weird.
anws im looking forward to goin to burberry bluelabel tt is onli available in japan tml. even thou i know i wont get anythin from there. juz doesnt suit me.
went crazy at agnes b and bought THREE bags but for onli 600sing! 2 of them onli available in japan! bought quite a few stuff that are cheaper here like bape and porter for the boy back home. im a happy person!
my colleagues were rite, i WILL go crazy in japan. oh man. everythin is so advanced and has soooo much variety that you cant help but spend 2 hours at JUST a drugstore! i FARKIN love the toilets!!!
pics to be up soon, you will know wat i mean. my hands still feel raw from carryin the huge shopping bags from tt ONE day of shoppin. journalists that we brought over had to take turns helpin me carry the fark heavy bags. sori and thank you guys!
anws on a random note (yes im damn random!), the saying "a leopard never changes its spots" is damn true. some things never change, and never will change.
change is the onli constant? i beg to differ.
- 11:59 PM
Sunday, August 03, 2008
im just counting my blessings
so much have changed. anws ive learnt so much and i think what is most important is to just appreciate all around you and know that everything really does happen for a reason. what matters is that you see what is important to you and cherish it. whatever happens, just take it with a smile. its juz life. live it.

thank you love, for everything. i'll be back before you know it. wait up k? =)
- 11:09 PM