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Monday, March 02, 2009

come and go.

its been a long time since i last blogged. don't know y. juz felt that whatever i had to say was not important nor did it make any sense. juz like the many things in my life. i go through them, but do they really make any sense to me? or to the people around me?

was feeling more and more nostalgic as i scrolled down the previous blog posts that read the different parts of my past. the amazing taiwan company trip with my marketing team. the sweetsweet boy who worked his way into what was left of my heart. the sucky and sweet of the previous r/s. the passing of the strongest and sweetest girl i have ever met.

the parts that make up the ven now. the growing up that was forced into me. certain decisions had to be made. and whatever happens. I made them. they will shape the future ven. all i c
an do is. wait and see.

- 8:29 PM

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

the fruits of his, very hard, labour.

im proud of him. juz proud. before this concert put up by UAN, the biggest local artiste network in spore. i was actually not very happy that the bf had to constantly go for sessions after sessions of rehersals for the concert.

even thou he was constantly puttin in effort to come over my place after his rehersals and then send me to work the following day. i was juz blinded to his efforts by the lack of time he had with me even thou i knew i had to be the supportive gf. it wasnt easy.

anws juz wanted to blog this up as a memory. of trying times. but trying times always ends. know that. =)

his opening dance costume.

huge thank you to the frens who came to support. =)

the opening dance.

the trio dance.

the solo item, singing "its my life".

the boyband, singing "lian ai-I.N.G" by wu yue tian.

the final dance.

next up! Xmas in HK! =)

- 5:40 PM

Saturday, November 08, 2008

too many coincidences.

it's funny how many say that some things are meant to be? ie: fated? and its funny how i thought my relationship with my ex was - fated? the story of how i met my ex at a club one nite due to a fren's fren's fren. and how i was kinda involved in a "triangle" where his very gd fren liked me but i like my ex, n my ex, stayed away because he knew his fren liked me.

i tot all these were meant to be. ah. until he broke my heart, again and again and again and the list goes on. well, i guess no matter how much you've been through with a person or how much you give up or give to a person. it means zilch the minute he/she decides not to be faithful to you and only you.

i never mentioned or spoke much about wat happened with the ex and how i got together with my current. let's just say that yes, initially when i got tog with my current and said yes to being his gf, i cried, like a baby. a large part of it due to the fact that i never, i repeat, never tot that i could ever be with somebody else other then the ex that i loved so much.

the current was a fren from 3 years back. we had lost contact for long. and 3 yrs back he was kinda "involved" with my gd girlfren at that time. 3 yrs later, i was at my shiseido atrium tampine mall promotion and i bumped into him. we said our hellos and byes and i tot that was that. 2 mins later, i felt a tap on my shoulder, he asked for my number. the story started there.

the getting together part was kinda like a whirlwind. it was as if my life was a drama. i had met somebody new. but i was stil in love with the ex. the new treated me amazing. the old, i had so many memories with. the new was fresh, exciting and promising. the old, it was familiar and a habit. i was stuck in the worst position. someone new - whom i knew nothing about and was taking a huge risky step forward. or the old, someone whom i knew almost everythin about and was ALSO taking a huge risky step back.

well i guess by now, you know the story.too much shit happened with the ex during and even after the breakup that i couldn bring myself to trust him again.

even till today, yes even though sometimes i would think of the ex and ask myself what if? but i had never regretted my decision to be with my current because he is too nice. too amazing.

the coincidences between me n my current are too damn many and till today they are stil unveiling.

1) our exes broke up with us around the same time
2) they are older then us (yes my current was dating someone 2 yrs older)
3) the exes both had someone in their family that passed away due to cancer and ard the same time
4) the exes were not very faithful! my bf's ex is now i think bout 6months pregnant and married to another guy
5) his ex is naming her babyboy - jaydEn. which so blardy coincidentally is the name that my ex choose for himself, only that his name is jaydOn. pls kill me.
6) and the most recent shock i got is that - my colleague of 2 yrs is actually a secondary school classmate of 4 yrs with my bf's pregnant ex and they are meeting up today after 12yrs!

i blardy hell hope the coincidences stop at 6 pleasethankyouverymuch! i REALLY do NOT needa any more coincidences that remind me of the exes. blurgh.

- 2:11 PM

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

ven - the very amateur driver!!

i cant believe the road to getting a license has been so smooth for me.

i still remember juz a few months back when private instructor 1 (i had 2 instructors - 1 when ur a beginner and 1 when ur more advanced ready for the circuit) told me to hit the roads on my first day of lesson. having had absolutely contact behind the wheels, i was freaked. anwhows i didnt die. cant believe i made it through the hour n half long lesson when i didnt even know how to tel if my car was positioned within e lane.

wat i took away from PR1's teaching was that, he was a farking pervert! an old pervert! he would tel me things like, oh ur already slim enuff, no needa lose anymore weight la, you dunno ah, like u abit ba ba (meaning meaty) then shiok!!? yes he used the word shiok! i endured the next 3months of him askin me bout my sex life, telling me bout girl's bodies and how i needed to look to be hot.

i dint change an instructor because i knew i was changin to e more advanced instructor (which i would later find to be the boss of PR1 after i blabbed to him about the pervertic ways of PR1) which i hoped would not be perverted AT ALL.

turns out private instructor 2 is a pretty decent person. after onli 2months with him. he thought me things tt i could nv learn from lazy pervert PR1. now that i think back, i actually feel a sense of nostalgia. i dunno y but somehow i do kinda miss his teaching, guidance and patience.

also turned out that PR2 has the highest percentage of students passing at first try out of all the private instructors. i can intro him to you if you would like. well. if you feel tt you can endure the verbal "sexual" harrassment of PR1 though. hahh.

my colleague was the one who intro-ed me to PR1 and PR2. however when i asked her bout the pervert, she say she dint get ANY form of harrassment at all. mm. i guess it's ME then huh. dunno y, maybe i look like im too open. mm.

anws im juz glad that i passed on first attempt. got like 8 demerit points. all points for things like sharp turn, incorrect checking of blind spot (cos i turn my body too much!) and failure to check danger before i do a parallel parking. wahlan all these things i remember i dint make much of a mistake of, juz die die wan to give me demerit points lo!

anywhos life's sweet at the moment and im just taking every little detail as they come along. appreciation is key! =)

the woman who intro-ed me my pervert instructor - ah heng!

just some damn-long-ago random pics with the bf.

the very gorgeous Scarlett Hotel bday treat!

Guangzhou trip!

my fashion stylist.

spot the mistake!

even nicer then ANY char kway tiao ive had in spore can!

my hair stylist!

the night safari day!

more randoms.

the bf 2yrs back

- 7:17 PM

Sunday, September 14, 2008

i've recently realized the importance of money.

no. i was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. i mean i'm not rich but yet i've always never had the problem of not having cash in my bank account.

well i guess the root of this money problem all started with an Agnes B black patent bag that i got in hk few months back. since then, the Agnes B bags have somehow multiplied to become FOUR, plus Kate Spade wallet and a namecard holder PLUS a Burberry BlueLabel bag. Sounds like nothing you say? well fark, i'm up to my armpits with debts totalling up to almost 4k!!

how the fark did i get myself in such shite you ask? HAH! vanity and being a slut for brands. well i could blame the beauty industry, or i could blame it on the growing age, or i could just simply blame MYSELF.

i used to HATE owing pple money, especially the member of the opposite sex. i've always tot that men and women are equal. let's just say that, i still insist that man and woman are equal, just not monetarily at the moment. i need help! quick money anyone??

the boyfriend has been a huge help. juz wanna say thank you for the 39684762638538th time!

- 10:46 PM

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

the nostalgic nights in tokyo.

sittin in the dark in fronta the com tryin to type as softly as possible so tt i wont wake my pregnant sleepin boss.

its weird tt im feeling these emotions the whole time im here. a colleague's laughter, the sound of runnin water, the smell of lamb rack, or just sitting doin nothin at all triggers off that emo mofo squeeze on the heart.

one thing i noticed here is that japanese women are very independent. at restaurants that we dine at, we saw mainly groups of well dressed ladies sipping their champagne and savouring different types of cheese. i think i haf only like seen 10 couples since i got here 3 days ago. its weird. the men are prob out drinkin w their male counterparts and eating teppanyaki.

my hot pregnant boss kept gettin weird stares from pple here esp guys. girls tend to shy their glances away. i've also onli seen like ONE pregnant lady on the streets since i got here. pregnancy is like sucha taboo thing for some reason. weird.

anws im looking forward to goin to burberry bluelabel tt is onli available in japan tml. even thou i know i wont get anythin from there. juz doesnt suit me.

went crazy at agnes b and bought THREE bags but for onli 600sing! 2 of them onli available in japan! bought quite a few stuff that are cheaper here like bape and porter for the boy back home. im a happy person!

my colleagues were rite, i WILL go crazy in japan. oh man. everythin is so advanced and has soooo much variety that you cant help but spend 2 hours at JUST a drugstore! i FARKIN love the toilets!!!

pics to be up soon, you will know wat i mean. my hands still feel raw from carryin the huge shopping bags from tt ONE day of shoppin. journalists that we brought over had to take turns helpin me carry the fark heavy bags. sori and thank you guys!

anws on a random note (yes im damn random!), the saying "a leopard never changes its spots" is damn true. some things never change, and never will change.

change is the onli constant? i beg to differ.

- 11:59 PM

Sunday, August 03, 2008

im just counting my blessings

so much have changed. anws ive learnt so much and i think what is most important is to just appreciate all around you and know that everything really does happen for a reason. what matters is that you see what is important to you and cherish it. whatever happens, just take it with a smile. its juz life. live it.

thank you love, for everything. i'll be back before you know it. wait up k? =)

- 11:09 PM

Thursday, June 12, 2008

- 10:36 AM

Friday, May 23, 2008

college done by fellow colleague ah lim, the charbo in the pictureess with the lonnggg wavy hair! day 3 coming up soon! =) you hafta click to view cos as ah lim said, blogger does not have some program to view the file big, onli can view thumbnails. thx ah lim!

- 2:17 PM

Friday, May 02, 2008

you don't need me, i don't need you.

im tired. i give up. finally. and certain things are betta left the way it is.

anws juz some random pics from the company's taiwan trip! and that one very memorable night with my Japanese guest. =)

life is busy peasy! taking drivin lessons as well as jap classes. good!

- 2:16 PM

the minahlian

life taster
appreciation is key



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